Yes – you heard it here first… We’re sharing some exciting tax news that enables Electric Vehicle (EV) owners to access FREE road tax for up to one extra year.
Always keen to spread positive tax vibes, this latest piece of news has enabled us to do just that. So, pay attention all you EV drivers – this is something you’re going to want to hear!
If your EV was first registered on or after 1 April 2017, then re-taxing it in March 2025 enables you to push back the deadline for paying vehicle tax by a full 12 months.
As of 1st April 2025, owners of EV or low emissions cars will be expected to pay tax in the same way as petrol and diesel vehicle owners. That leaves you with a small window of opportunity to extend your free vehicle tax benefits for a further year, providing you renew your tax this month.
Regardless of when your EV road tax expires, you can re-tax it now, ensuring you have a full 12 months left on your free vehicle tax. So, even if your EV road tax doesn’t expire this March, it’s well worth you taking a moment to re-tax your vehicle today! It can be done quickly and easily using your car's registration number and the reference number on your logbook (V5C registration certificate).
To make the most of this free tax opportunity, simply visit the Government website and follow the steps to tax your vehicle in the same way you would usually. However, the website will ask you if ‘you’re sure you want to proceed’. Just click accept to confirm your decision to re-tax from this month and enjoy free tax up until April 2026. You’re welcome! J
Click here to get started…
As always, here at Ellacott Morris we strive to bring you the latest news and regulatory updates, ensuring your business remains compliant and tax efficient at all times. This piece of good news just happened to fall in line with spring sunshine and blue skies. Now, that’s what you call a win win!
If you have any queries regarding any aspect of your company’s tax obligations or require our support and expertise relating to your business finances, please do reach out. We’re here to help, as well share lovely little tax wins like this one.